I would consider myself to be extremely fortunate to have been a student of the indefatigable Professor Eddy Omolehinwa (‘the Caterpillar of Redemption”). Having completed my Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) professional exams at the end of Year 1 in University of Lagos (“UNILAG”), I had thought I would learn little or nothing from the undergraduate Accounting programme of UNILAG. I was proven wrong by Professor Eddy Omolehinwa. Professor Eddy brought an amazing different perspective towards delivering cost accounting lectures which further enriched my knowledge of the subject and improved my ability to make analytical decisions. His Cost Accounting textbook should be considered as one of the best sellers of Accounting textbooks because it was a well thought- out and articulated textbook. In my final year, Professor Eddy turned a supposedly expected boring course, Public Sector Accounting, into an amazing course with his thought-provoking practical approach & insights to the course. Professor Eddy’s Public Sector Accounting class was the best class I attended during my whole a stay in UNILAG. Expectedly, I still use the knowledge I gained in that class in analyzing Nigerian public sector finances and fiscal conditions – a foundation for understanding the macro-economic direction of Nigeria towards making informed business decisions.
Outside the class, Professor Eddy was a Father, a Mentor and an amazing Administrator to us all. He inspired all of us with his positive high energy, remarkable sense of humour, demonstrable intelligence and amiable work ethic. He ensured that our departmental grading results was the first to be released in the whole campus after examinations with little or no errors. He also set up a result complaints process for students to resolve any potential issues they may have with their grades. As the President of the Nigerian University of Accounting Students’ Association (NUASA) UNILAG Chapter during the 2001/2002 session, Professor Eddy being the HOD of Accounting, was the defacto Co-ordinator of the student body, so I had the opportunity to work closely with him. Professor Eddy supported the entire executive committee of the Association positively with his exemplary style of leadership and mentorship. He made all of us feel smart and capable and was the cornerstone of all the accomplishments/successes we recorded during my leadership of NUASA. He worked with us systematically and diligently to deliver the “First Distinguished Accounting Alumni Lecture Series in honour of Late Professor Michael Adeyemo” which was a landmark event that attracted the presence of the late Vice Chancellor Ibidapo Obe and the other members of UNILAG’s governing body.
After 44 years of devoted and meritorious service to UNILAG and the Accountancy Profession in Nigeria and Africa, I wish Professor Eddy a wonderful and a happy retirement! Professor Eddy has personally affected a lot of lives positively and the emergence of many business leaders in Nigeria! His valiant efforts towards the development of the educational system in Nigeria will forever be remembered and acknowledged. Good luck Sir and Happy 70th birthday!! Will surely spend time to read your latest book – “Unrealised Gains of Nigerian Independence” - All the very best Sir!
Your boy,
Abiodun Qazeem Sanusi