The Special One

Olu Omokurolue

Pro. Eddy Omolehinwa has being the special one in all areas of his human interactions. In the Academics, mentoring, humanitarian, discipline, caring, intellectualism, modesty, fatherly and brotherly love and bluntness. At times I believe he's mistakenly born in our country Nigeria. At times, I think, God deliberately dropped him here for us as a Heavenly change agent. At times, I consider him a brother to my secondary School principal, Mr Faduyile who has a personality close to yours. You have been an amazing brother, teacher, mentor and scholar. I have come across some of your students as my teacher in my academic journey. I must confess your influence and touch in their lives are very unique and identifiable. Which compelled me a couple of times to ask if they know you. What I have seen in their responses are passions, excitements and gratefulness to God to have met you in their academic journey. Which is very reassuring to me that, your dreams for Nigeria would still come to pass. Am extremely proud of you sir.


Olu Omokurolue