Shakirat Babatunde

I was privileged to be among the University of Lagos Accounting Students whose lives Professor Eddy Olajide Omolehinwa touched positively. His professorial style was natural and humane, that he became popularly called 'Baba' because he was a father figure and a teacher of teachers, though he was not the oldest in the department of Accounting at that time. He was always punctual and hardly delegated teaching. Throughout he was in the class always either building critical, innovative minds, that could lead anywhere in the world or writing books. Little wonder that many of his students are leaders in various walks of life worldwide. Prof was passionate about his turn out. He was never happy with the minutest delay in student's results and also initiated many Students welfare programmes and support groups, leading to the department's outstanding achievements in the number of first-class grandaunts produced while he was dean of management sciences faculty.

Professor Omolehinwa volunteered to serve as my mentor. He encouraged me to aspire to the highest academic degree. I obtained my master of science in accounting degree under his deanship of the faculty of management sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka. Prof ensured that the Master programme was smooth. He went out of his way and left no stone unturned to ensure that the 2005 set graduated to time and meritoriously. Some years after, in 2007, to be precise, Prof was very happy to watch met me delivered a paper at an event in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. He expressed his approval of my performance and counselled me to pursue a Ph.D. degree in accounting., the rest is history because he supported me throughout and supervised my Ph.D. thesis. His supervision was thorough and round the clock. He and his late wife, mama, welcomed me always. I remember how mama used to pamper me. May her soul continue to rest in perfect peace of GOD (Amen). Prof in his fatherly mentorship supported me with many book gifts, such as Government budgeting in Nigeria, 2001. Professor Omolehinwa, as a GOD fearing man, had been thoroughly equipped unto every good work expected of a teacher.

Professor Eddy Olajide Omolehinwa is so concerned about the public sector of his Country, Nigeria. He fought and worked so hard to reduce corruption in Nigeria. His 2012 inaugural lecturer titled 'Accounting for Peoples' Money' was articulate and a masterpiece. He spent his whole academic life, pursuing integrity with the hope of ending the corruption pandemic in Nigeria. His works are still everywhere for reference by academics and policymakers. His positive mind building habit is excellent, and responsible for improving the moral and academic standards of millions of students that passed through him. No one can forget his good deeds, jokes, and fatherly concern about the students he taught worldwide. I appreciate the excellence in his style. I feel his knowledge, his impacting sense. He had his personal experience to share any time I am down with a low spirit. His passion for family, patience and meticulous approach to teaching is exemplary. Above all, he sharpened my understanding of accounting issues and reasoning logic. He taught me effortlessly, thorough, simply with many jokes.

Retirement is good. Nonetheless, the thought of coming to the department without meeting him in his office to listen to wise talks leaves me dejected and in tears because I know what upcoming accounting students would miss in an outstanding Professor like My Prof.  I wish my Prof, Professor Eddy Olajide Omolehinwa the best in his future endeavours.

Shakirat Babatunde